Great emphasis is placed on Music at Laleham Lea.

Pupils from Reception to Year 6 take part in weekly music lessons with our Music Teacher Mrs Corrigan to help develop their love and appreciation for music. Pupils look at rhythm, pitch, pulse and structure whist studying various musical genres, instruments and themes. All Junior pupils also participate in our School Choir on Tuesday afternoons.

Concerts are held throughout the year, with all pupils offered the chance to perform publicly, both individually and as members of a group which helps to increase their self-confidence as well as sense of achievement.

The recorder is taught progressively to pupils from Year 3 – Year 6 and recorder performances are included in our concerts.

The Nursery and Infant classes perform annual Nativity and Summer Musical productions in The Long Room.

A number of talented, specialist Peripatetic staff give individual tuition in a variety of instruments (at an extra charge) including Clarinet, Violin, Organ, Flute, French Horn, Oboe, Saxophone, Piano, Drums and Guitar. Our Peri Music Teachers include Peter Long who is the Musical Director of Ronnie Scott’s Big Band.

Children who learn an instrument take part in school musical activities including the Orchestra and other ensembles, Church services and school concerts and are entered for public examinations when they have reached the required standard.

020 8660 3351

29 Peaks Hill, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3JJ