‘Pupils are well supported in developing their good physical education skills by encouragement from their teachers and the opportunity to participate in a range of outdoor sports and swimming.’ (ISI Inspection February 2022)
P.E plays an important part in the curriculum at Laleham Lea and includes regular lessons in:
- Football
- Rugby
- Netball
- Squash
- Swimming
- Cross Country
- Athletics
- Hockey
- Cricket
Juniors take part in a full afternoon of P.E every week and we are excited to have the opportunity to host our PE lessons for Years 3-6 at Purley Sports’ Club, making use of their excellent sporting facilities including squash and tennis courts. As part of this exciting partnership, our Multi Sports’ Club with Mr Judge also takes place at Purley Sports Club each week.

P.E lessons provide valuable broad life skills training including all aspects of safety, following instructions, fair play and sportsmanship, individual skills development, team games and fitness. Boys and girls compete successfully against other schools in many of the above sports.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils take part in a specialist P.E lesson with our P.E Teacher once a week, as well as taking part in other activities with their class teacher.
In addition to PE lessons, pupils swim on a termly rota from Year 1 at the nearby Thomas More School’s swimming pool.
After School Clubs include a range of sports including Netball, Football, Playball and Tennis.

Former pupil Ben Waghorn now plays rugby for Harlequins under 18s and showed his skills at a very early age, playing with pupils at The John Fisher School whilst still a Laleham Lea student.