About Us
The school houses seven well equipped classrooms; a purpose-built Nursery; our Long Room for assemblies, workshops and plays; a Dining Room, fully equipped and inspirational Art and STEM Science Rooms; a large Music & Performing Arts Room and peri music rooms as well as our recently launched ‘Laleham Lea Rainbow Room’ a fully equipped teaching, learning and wellbeing hub.

Students benefit from full class sets of Chromebooks which can be used for all subjects to enable a more exciting and varied approach to learning.
Our Nursery is housed in excellent facilities, with the EYFS Lawn, Sensory Garden, amphitheater seating area and covered outdoor learning area.
The school boasts an ample play area with two large playgrounds, a substantial lawn and a Nature Trail with ‘Bug Hotel’ at the front of the school.
We are delighted to have the opportunity to host our PE lessons for Years 3-6 at Purley Sports’ Club which includes the use of tennis and squash courts. Our Multi Sports’ Club with Mr Judge also takes place at Purley Sports Club. From Year 1 pupils swim on rota at Thomas More School’s swimming pool with professional swimming coaches.
We are lucky to enjoy the use of of The John Fisher School’s beautiful chapel when we celebrate Mass as well as the nearby St Mark’s Church and Church Hall for larger concerts and plays.