ISI Inspection February 2022- Focused Compliance Inspection which was combined with an inspection of Educational Quality.

‘The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.’

‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.’

The Focused Compliance Inspection reports only on the school’s compliance with Regulatory Compliance standards. The standards represent a minimum requirement and judgements are given as met or not met.

With regards to the Focused Compliance Inspection, as with our Regulatory Compliance Inspection in May 2017, Laleham Lea meets all the standards in the schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014, and relevant requirements of the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, and associated requirements, and no further action is required as a result of this inspection.

Moving on to the Educational Quality Inspection, the headline judgements apply one of the following ISI descriptors ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘sound’ or ‘satisfactory’.

The Inspectors found Laleham Lea to be ‘Excellent’ in all areas.

Key findings in the report include:
‘The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.’
‘Pupils make excellent progress, achieving at levels in advance of expectations for their age and ability.’
‘Pupils are outstanding communicators.’
‘Pupils develop highly effective study skills.’
‘Pupils are highly enthusiastic learners.’
‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.’
‘Pupils have high levels of self-understanding for their age and show notable resilience.’
‘Pupils show outstanding respect for each other and are highly inclusive.’
‘Pupils develop good relationships and demonstrate excellent social skills.’
‘Pupils show excellent development of their spiritual understanding in their everyday lives.’

Please see the below to read the full Inspection Report.

020 8660 3351

29 Peaks Hill, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3JJ