‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.
• Pupils have high levels of self-understanding for their age and show notable resilience.
• Pupils are extremely collaborative, supportive and encouraging of one another across the full range of their activities.
• Pupils exhibit a highly developed spiritual understanding and display a strong appreciation for the
non-material aspects of life.
• Pupils show outstanding respect for each other and are highly inclusive.’ ISI Report 2022

In PSHCE lessons Children will learn about themselves as changing individuals. They will start to the importance of taking part and building healthy relationships through sharing their own experiences and ideas with others. They will learn the skills and knowledge to help them mature, gain resilience, independence and develop a positive sense of self-esteem.

In this subject and across the curriculum, children will continue to learn about the wider world and respect that we all live in a diverse world. They will learn the importance of making ‘the right choice’ and will learn to take more responsibility, individually and as a group for their own learning.

Children will look at ways to live a healthy lifestyle (we implemented the ‘Daily Mile’ to encourage walking) and to help to build a healthy future and will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding about issues in the media. Lessons will regularly cover E-safety and the importance of keeping yourself and your personal information safe well as additional themed e-safety lessons in support of Safer Internet Day.

Year 6 Students took part in a First Aid training course with St John’s Ambulance; giving them the basic skills to help themselves and others in need.

The NSPCC visit school to work alongside our Students with assemblies and workshops as part of their Speak Out, Stay Safe Campaign.

Economic Well being

Students take part in MoneySense workshops run by experts from Natwest to teach them how to save money and how to set up and run a business.

Charitable Giving

Students are taught the importance of Charitable Giving and we support a number of charities including local, national and global campaigns. For more information please click here

Laleham Lea actively promotes British Values in our community.

The Catholic faith that we share at Laleham Lea gives us the vision of what we are and what we are called to be as individuals and as a community. We aim to be the best we can be as human beings.

The Government emphasises that schools are required to ensure that key ‘British Values’ are taught in all UK schools.  The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy.

The five British Values are:

  1. Democracy
  2. The rule of law
  3. Individual liberty
  4. Mutual respect
  5. Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

We explore these values through our assemblies, RE curriculum and PSHCE work.

Understanding Democracy

Our Year 6 Students held their own ‘Mock elections’ working in teams to convince the rest of the school why they should run the country. The winners were the Fantastic Four who  promised amongst other things; to recycle more, to build more schools, to use only electric cars and access to water for homeless people. A well fought election.

Our School Council Elections demonstrate democracy in action with each class electing their Student Council representatives each year to represent their school. Our Eco Council has worked hard to ensure that Laleham Lea been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag with ‘distinction’ for two consecutive years which demonstrates that we go above and beyond to improve the local community and protect our planet – living out our Catholic Social Teaching principal of Stewardship. Along with all our Students, our School Council, Eco Council, Little Disciples, Mini Vinnies and Faith Monitors lead the way in upholding our School Prayer, our Mission Statement and British Values at Laleham Lea.

We welcome members of our local community who uphold the rule of law and the British Constitution and help to protect our Citizens. The Police, Fire Service, Doctors and Dentists have all visited Laleham Lea to discuss their roles in the community.

Pupils visit the Houses of Parliament to watch live debates and are given talks on the democratic  process.


020 8660 3351

29 Peaks Hill, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3JJ