The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.’ (ISI Inspection February 2022)

‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.’ (ISI Inspection February 2022)

‘Laleham Lea is an Outstanding school…’ (Section 48 Denominational Inspection October 2019).

Laleham Lea is an exemplar Catholic school which has been on a successful journey
over recent years that has seen it grow and develop into the strong self-confident and
forward looking Catholic school it is today.’ (Section 48 Denominational Inspection – October 2019).

There are eight classes in the school; Nursery and Reception in the Foundation Stage (ages 3 to 5), Lower Transition (Year 1), Upper Transition (Year 2), Pre-Prep (Year 3), Lower (Year 4), Middle (Year 5) and Upper (Year 6).

There is a Class Teacher/s for each of the eight classes. Specialist teachers teach Science, Spanish, Music, Maths, Art, PE, Performing Arts and Computing. Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Teaching Assistants are on hand across the school to support class teachers and students.

Peripatetic Music Teachers teach a variety of musical instruments (at an additional charge) to those students who wish to take up this opportunity.

Class sizes are small with the average number of pupils being 16. Children in Reception to Year 2 are taught mainly by their class teacher in the belief that the development of a close relationship with the class teacher is essential at this stage of their education.

Learning support outside the classroom is also available for a small number of children who need extra help.

‘The teachers’ excellent knowledge of the pupils’ strengths and weaknesses enables them to provide appropriate support strategies and suitable challenge..’ ISI Inspection 2022

Assessment and Results

Assessments for Years 3 to 6 are held in November and June of each year and results are reported to Parents. In addition regular assessments are carried out with pupils throughout each year.

In May, Year 6 take the Key Stage 2 (SATs) tests in English and Maths levels 3-5. More able pupils are now entered for the Level 6 Mathematics tests. These tests are marked internally.

Throughout Years 4-6, Science is assessed at the end of each topic using Rising Stars and an average level given.

Year 2 take the Key Stage 1 (SATs) tests in English and Mathematics. These are marked internally.

We have a mixed ability intake here at Laleham Lea School; all pupils are given the opportunity to achieve their absolute best in all that they do.

All learning contributes to the building blocks for life at Senior School. Preparation for the 11 Plus exams and for Independent School Scholarships takes place throughout school life with particular emphasis during Years 4 to 6.

Music scholars also prepare through their grading and practice for the Music Scholarship exams for Senior Schools.

Click here to see our latest results and senior destinations


This provides all pupils with the opportunity to consolidate work covered in class and to extend their learning. Depending on the year group, this may be set daily or weekly to a timetable and the amount given is appropriate to the age and ability of the child. Homework is recorded in Reading Record Books and Homework Diaries which also serve as effective channels of communication between home and school.


Written reports are sent home in December and July. They give parents information on academic effort and achievement. From Years 3 to 6 they include the exam mark, effort and term grades and a comment on the child’s general attitude.

Parents’ Meetings take place twice a year, although individual appointments can be made at any time and parents are especially encouraged to contact the school if they have concerns regarding their child’s progress in any area of the curriculum.

020 8660 3351

29 Peaks Hill, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3JJ