School leavers have been highly successful gaining entry to schools with competitive academic requirements and have achieved a high proportion of scholarship awards to senior independent schools. This reflects a successful fulfilment of the school’s aim to recognise pupils’ talents and foster and nurture them to achieve their potential.’ (ISI Inspection February 2022)

The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.
Pupils make excellent progress, achieving at levels in advance of expectations fort heir age and ability.
• Pupils of all ages and abilities demonstrate excellent skills, knowledge and understanding across the curriculum.
• Pupils are outstanding communicators. They listen most attentively and express themselves
articulately in their speaking and writing.
• Pupils show high levels of competence in their numeracy skills and apply these effectively to other areas of their learning.
• Pupils develop highly effective study skills.
(ISI Report February 2022)

Laleham Lea Leavers’ Destinations

Laleham Lea School leavers transfer to a wide variety of Secondary Schools. The standards of excellence achieved at Laleham Lea mean that many of our Students go on to the local Grammar Schools or obtain scholarships for leading Independent Schools. Many of our Catholic families may prefer to remain in a Catholic environment similar to that of Laleham Lea and go on to one of the many excellent local Independent and State Catholic Secondary Schools where they achieve many great things.

Early intervention, assessment and target setting provides personalised, accelerated learning for all. We offer additional Booster Classes in both in English and Maths in preparation for the 11+ and Independent School examinations, Accelerated Mathematics in Year 5, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Club for Year 4 students and access to online 11+ preparation learning programmes from Year 3.

Leavers’ Offers 20246 Grammar Offers (30% of cohort)
15 Independent School Offers
1 Academic Scholarship
1 Sports’ Scholarship
100% First Choice Catholic Schools
100% First Choice Maintained Schools
Leavers’ Offers 20235 Grammar/Grammar Stream Offers (56% of those who sat exam)
16 Independent School Offers
4 Academic Scholarships
1 Maths Scholarship
1 Head Teacher’s Award
1 Drama Scholarship
1 Music Scholarship
100% First choice Catholic Schools
100% First Choice Maintained Schools
Leavers’ Offers 20228 Grammar/Grammar Stream Offers
13 Independent School Offers
2 Academic Scholarships
2 Music Scholarships
1 Head Teacher’s Award
100% First choice Catholic Schools
100% First Choice Maintained Schools
Leavers’ Offers 202114 Grammar/Grammar Stream Offers
24 Independent School Offers
9 Academic Scholarships
3 Music Scholarships
1 Head Master’s Award
1 Sports Scholarship
100% First Choice Catholic Schools
100% First Choice Maintained Schools

Grammar/Grammar Stream and Independent Offers 2017-2020:

% Grammar or Grammar Stream offer (of those who sat)7078100100
% Grammar or Grammar Stream (whole cohort)38443040
% Scholarships
for Independents (of those who applied)
% Scholarship offers (whole cohort)4444400
% Catholic School offers34817026

Leavers destinations for 2017 -2024 include:

Grammar SchoolsIndependent Schools
Independent Schools
Independent Schools
Catholic/Other Maintained Schools
Wallington Boys
Wallington Girls
Sutton Grammar
Greenshaw Grammar Stream
The Cedars
Croydon High
Old Palace
St Theresa’s
Caterham School
Reigate Grammar
Radnor House School
John Fisher
St Bede’s
St Philomena’s
Coloma Convent
Riddlesdown School
Woodcote School

Laleham Lea Results in 2024 KS2

Reading Comprehension
100% national average 4b and above; 95% above average (level 5 and above); 5% level 6
100% national average 4b and above; 95% above average (level 5 and above)
100% national average 4b and above; 95% above national average 4a and above; 75% level 5 and above; 40% level 6
Religious Education
95% expected and above; 85% exceeding and above; 35% exceeding
42 Distinctions, 6 merits (over two exam phases) Years 3-6


Laleham Lea KS2 Results 2019-2023

Laleham Lea KS2 ResultsReading CompWritingMathsR.ELAMDA
2023100% Level 4b and above; 57% above NA (29% Level 6)100% Level 3a and above; 64% above NA (7% level 6)100% Level 3a and above; 50% above NA (36% Level 6)29% Exceeding 14% Expected Plus
36% Expected
16 Distinctions
2022100% Level 4b
and above;
93% above NA; 87% well
above NA  (40% level 6)
100% level 4b
and above;  
93% above NA; 80% well above NA
100% Level 4b
and above;
93% above NA; 87% well above NA (60% level 6)
33% Exceeding 40% Expected Plus
27% Expected
26 Distinctions
16 Merits
2021100% Level 4b and above;
95% above NA; 82%
well above NA
100% Level 4b
and above;
91% above NA; 68%
well above NA
91% Level 4b
and above;
86% above NA; 73%
well above NA
18% Exceeding 23% Expected Plus
59% Expected
17 Distinctions
12 Merits
2020100% Level 4c and above;
89% Level 4b and above
73% Level 5c and above
84% Level 4c and above;
84% Level 4b and above;
28% Level 5
100% Level 4c and above;
94% Level 4b and above;
57% Level 5b and above;
35% Level 6
21 Distinctions
8 Merits
1 Pass
2019100% Level 4c and above;
94% Level 4b and above;
69% Level 5c and above
100% Level 4 and above;
63% Level 4b and above;
19% Level 5
94% Level 4c and above;
88% Level 4b and above;
50% Level 5b and above;
25% Level 6
5 Distinctions
21 Merits
8 Passes

EYFS Results:

2024Percentage who achieved Good Level of Development (GLD) 100%
National Average: TBC
2023Percentage who achieved Good Level of Development (GLD) 88%
National Average: GLD 67.2%
2022Percentage who achieved Good Level of Development (GLD) 93%
National Average: GLD 65.2%
2021Total who met/exceeded Early Learning Goals: 80% (Exceeded Early Learning Goals 20%)
National Average: TBC
2020Total who met/exceeded Early Learning Goals: 100% (Exceeded Early Learning Goals 15%)
National Average: TBC (delayed due to Covid 19)
2019Total who Met/Exceeded Early Learning goals: 93% (Exceeded Early Learning Goals: 31%)
National Average: 70.7%
2018(External Moderation)
Total who Met/Exceeded Early Learning Goals: 83% (Exceeded Early Learning Goals 33%)
National Average 70.2%

Parents can obtain full details of the School’s academic performance during the preceding school year (to include the results of any pubic examinations) from the School Office.

020 8660 3351

29 Peaks Hill, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3JJ