Year 4 had a great time on their visit to Tate Britain to see the artist Steve McQueen’s ‘Year 3’ exhibition. The class had a tour of the exhibition and got to see their picture, along with the thousands of others from schools all over London that were taken as part of the project last year.

Pupils also took part in a special workshop and had the opportunity to explore other parts of the gallery.

“It was really cool, my favourite thing was the ‘Spot the difference’. We got to see some sculptures made by the artist Henry Moore. The highlight of the trip for me was
when we got to see our class in a picture in a museum in central London. Knowing that I was famous felt incredible, it makes me feel like I could climb a mountain.”

“It was amazing, BEST SCHOOL TRIP EVER. When we went to the Tate Britain we looked at pictures and learnt about the artists, we even saw a ‘Spot the difference’ picture, it was really fun. The highlight of the trip was when I sketched a sculpture.”

“Today we visited the Tate Britain, it was so much fun looking at pictures and drawing a sculpture.”

“It was amazing, we got to draw sculptures which was really fun.”

“It was really cool. My favourite thing about Tate Britain was when I saw this great video that showed me how artist Henry Moore made these giant models. It was the best day of my life.”

“I found my Year 3 picture with our Teachers. I enjoyed it there, I was shocked I found my picture. We did some poses. It was really fun at the art gallery.”

“I saw such amazing sights.”

“My favourite part was doing a pose for a painting. My favourite was called Blossoms.”

“In the art gallery I had a lot of fun.”

“The best part of the trip was when I drew my friend.”


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