‘Laleham lea is like my second home and second family who I love. I feel like when I am
there, I’m at home.’

Our outstanding pastoral care provides for a happy, caring community for all –  we invite you to come and visit Laleham Lea where you can be assured of a very warm welcome.

Our pupils are supported through the care, respect and values of our Mission Statement. We ensure that the child is at the centre of everything we do here at Laleham Lea and each individual pupil is extremely well known by every member of our community.

Indeed, a key strength of our school is the excellent knowledge that our teachers have of every pupil. Each class is supported pastorally by their Class Teacher and our wider staff team.

Twice weekly assemblies are held by the Head Teacher and each year group takes their turn to lead assembly on a regular basis. Our Star Assembly is held on a Friday to celebrate our ‘Star of the Week’ in each class and our Star certificates are awarded by the Head Teacher.

Liturgy or Mass is held regularly and this is supported by our RE programme. Our ethos is supported by kindness and respect to one another both in and out of school; we are a family that supports each other.

‘Pupils of all ages, cultures and ethnic backgrounds relate to one another with understanding and respect’ (ISI 2012).

Roles and Responsibility
Year Groups are represented in our School Council and Eco Council by elected representatives from each class.

In Year 6, we expect our older Junior students to exemplify all that Laleham Lea stands for. We award them the responsibility and roles of House Captains, Prefects, Sports Captains, Pupil Chaplains, Drama Captain, Choral Lead, Orchestra Lead and Buddies to help our younger students

This is a great honour to represent our school with such responsibility and our students rise to the challenge admirably when they are promoted each year.

‘I was announced Head of School Council. It has always been a leadership goal that I have
been aiming for so I was very excited when I received the role. I also had the role of Pupil
Chaplain and Prefect.’

020 8660 3351

29 Peaks Hill, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3JJ